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Darker Shade of Pale - HER FREEDOM Page 7

  Tyb's eyebrows were jacked to the sky as a bemused smirk took hold on his lips. "Maybe. Guess we'll have to find out, eh?"

  Chapter Twelve

  Two days passed in relative quiet. I settled into my new schedule. Up before the sun, milk the goats, filter and cool the milk. Feed chickens, collect the eggs and avoid Gene Simmons, the rooster.

  That fucking rooster.

  "You named him after the KISS singer?" Could not hide my disbelief.

  Tyb's arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a tree, waiting to see me scatter a mixture of seeds and grains for the chickens to attack. "Look at him, Izzy. He's black and silver with some red. Tell me he doesn't look like a member of KISS. He's the showman, the front man. That's why he's Gene."

  I'll admit, the first couple days were weird. I felt like an intruder in Tyb's domain, although he never gave the impression that I wasn't welcome. It was just odd, this transition from continual walking on egg shells to being roommate to a guy who seemed pretty laid back. Since the incredible night of sex, he hasn't made a move toward me, nor I him. It was like we just needed to get that over and done with so we could move on.

  As much as I wish it weren't so, my inexperience with men made it difficult to accurately judge what Tyb was thinking. Maybe he was just giving me space to adjust? Otherwise, there was little said between he and I other than random small talk. A part of me didn't mind. The other part of me disliked the silence. But I chalked that up to me used to Christos snapping on a regular basis. It was just… Weird.

  The fourth night I tried cooking dinner. Can't go wrong with hamburgers, right?

  Ha. Thank goodness for Mrs. Jones and her wonderful cooking because my experience in the kitchen rivaled Christos's experience of being sane.

  I pulled out a butcher's paper wrapped bundle of ground beef. Made two patties and started frying them in the cast iron pan that Tyb favored. Wasn't long before I had my nose above the pan, sniffing the meat. Something smelled off about my hamburgers.

  Tyb walked from the bathroom, fresh from his shower, and over to me, witnessing my meat-huffing with some amusement. "What's up, Izzy? Having a problem?"

  "I'm not sure. Something about this hamburger doesn't smell right."

  He looked down into the pan. "That's not hamburger."

  I stood upright and looked at him. "What was it? The ground up remains of a Haytham family member?"

  He laughed. "No. That's wild boar Italian sausage."

  "Oh. Well, shit. There goes cheeseburgers for dinner."

  "Don't say that. We can make it work. Get the mozzarella from the fridge and slice it. I'm going to get some pasta sauce."

  With a smirk, I asked, "Running to the store?"

  "No, just the root cellar." With that, he bounded out of the kitchen and out the front door.

  Couple minutes of serious sizzling atop the stove then I flipped my Italian burgers over just as Tyb came back into the house, jar of red sauce in hand.

  When he reached my side, Tyb cracked open his sauce and took a whiff. "Mmmm. These will be kick ass burgers, Izzy. Wait and see."

  "How's the sauce going to be used?" Condiment? Italian ketchup of sorts?

  "We'll simmer those patties in the sauce. Pop the pan in the oven for a while, let the magic happen. We'll top with the mozzarella and have a salad, if that sounds good to you."

  "Sounds better than plain hamburgers. Yay, teamwork."

  "Yay, teamwork." He poured half the tomato sauce over the cooking meat and then gave the pan a good shake. "Can you turn the oven on to three-twenty-five?"

  I did so, then went about the task of slicing the cheese.

  After Tyb slid the cast iron pan into the oven and closed the door, he turned to me and began hesitantly speaking. "I… uh, just want to apologize for the other night."

  What the hell was he talking about? "I'm puzzled. What exactly are you apologizing for?" All things considered, he's been non-offensive.

  He licked his lip. "Not explaining my dream to you."

  "You don't need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. It's your prerogative to keep things on a need to know basis. The worst offense I can accuse you of is making me curious as to how I play into your dream. Nothing more."

  "Do you still want to know?" His deep gaze held me enthrall.

  "Only if you'll tell me now since you brought it back up."

  He sighed and replied, "I won't tell you the whole of it, but some. Is that acceptable?"

  "Yes." How could it not be? Unless it made me wonder more, that is.

  A moment of silence. "I dreamt that you'd be up here for a while."

  "And the fake identification plays into that how?" Because curious minds want to know.

  "They are for when you get sick of isolation and want to move onto new things in populated areas."

  "You saw that I was going to high-tail it out of here?"

  "Well, no, not exactly. But I'm a bit country and you're pretty rock and roll."

  I looked Tyb straight in the eye and spoke in a deadpan voice, "I am not an Osmond."

  "Technically, neither am I. But you know what I mean."

  "No other reason other than me pining for the city life again?"

  "We'll use them when we need them. But I don't see that happening anytime soon. Anyway, how's the incision?"

  "It's not tender anymore." In fact, it healed pretty quickly.

  "Good. So, we got about half an hour before dinner's done. What do you want to do?"

  A Cheshire cat smile formed on my lips. "I could tell you, or I could show you."

  Lust glazed Tyb's chocolate eyes. "Show me."

  My heart picked up its tempo as I smiled. With his back against the counter, I looked up into his gaze and leaned in to kiss him. After a moment, I broke away and whispered, "I have a request."

  "So do I." His deep voice, husky with rising passion.

  "Go first," I prompted, as curiosity washed over me.

  "I'm horny, Izzy. I want you."

  With a grin I replied, "Well, so happens I'm rather frisky for you, too. But my request is, uh, a little not vanilla."

  He quirked an ebony eyebrow. "Do tell."

  I bit my lip a moment before whispering, "Ravish me."

  "Ravish you? Like a tawdry romance novel?" I deeply appreciated him not busting into laughter.

  A giggle escaped my lips. "Very much so."

  "May I be a little rough?"

  "Yes. No bruises, though."

  "Can I just propose no intentional bruising ever? That way it's never on the bargaining table. I'm not a beast, Izzy. Last thing I want to do is hurt or otherwise injure you. I don't feel the urge to brand you like a beast or a piece of property."

  I felt the need to explain. "I don't mean to imply that you would deliberately mark me. No offense intended. And I agree, it's off the table. I just didn't want to assume, you know?"

  "No offense taken. Let's set the boundaries for your definition of ravishment."

  "Be rough, pin me down, tear my clothes off…"

  "Dominate you?" The way he said it made my nethers tingle with anticipation of how he'd dominate me.


  "Go hide. I'm going to set the timer for five minutes and wait in my room. When I come out, your ass is mine."

  I smiled wide, pleased he liked my idea. "We can call this game the Viking and the Villager."

  "One more kiss before we play." Tyb pulled me close and pressed his body against mine. His jeans outlined the bulge of his arousal. I ran an eager hand over his hardness while kissing his lips.

  "I could get used to this," I whispered against his lips.

  "Me too, Izzy."

  "Wait before you set that timer. I want to change into something less utilitarian and more shred-happy."

  Tyb nodded. "I'm going to my room to get in character. Set the timer when you're ready. If things get intense for you, what's your safe word?"


  He smiled and moved
to turn the oven down. Looked like it was in the mid-200's now. "This will buy us more time."

  "The Vikings are a randy lot."

  "This Viking is the randiest of them all. Will have to take a special Village lass to tame his permanently hard cock."

  "Must be awkward, trapped on a long ship with nothing but men for company, and permanent erection."

  Tyb laughed. "Hurry, before I set that timer to three minutes." He turned around and went to his bedroom. I went to mine.

  Can't believe how aroused I get at the thought of playing with Tyb! The excitement could barely contain itself. How could I live without feeling this level of lust? I stripped out of my clothes and pondered my options. Couldn't come across a better one than my birthday suit.

  Heh. Can't wait to see his face when he finds me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Right before I headed out my bedroom door, I changed my mind about the attire. I put on the oldest tee-shirt I had, which wasn't old at all. Christos never allowed me to keep anything faded or worn, no matter how much I liked the clothing. So, black tee-shirt and I put on blue cotton panties. I'm willing to sacrifice them on the Altar of Lust.

  A shiver ran from my brain down my spine as I realized something. I didn't like Christos when he dominated me, because he used the opportunity to punish me, more often than not. I knew I could count on Tyb to be cool and in control of the situation. Then again, I don't fear Tyb. That makes a world of difference in what I'm willing to explore with him. Fear and sex is not a good combination. And fear was a mainstay of my relationship with Christos.

  After I left the room, I made my way to the kitchen, and then stopped as inspiration struck. Four pillar candles of various sizes waited on the counter top. I lit them and left them in strategic areas: one on the counter, one on the rocket mass heater, one in the bathroom and the last on the coffee table by the couch, near Tyb's bedroom door. Went back to the stove and set the timer for four minutes, with a smirk on my face. Then I turned off the lights. I knew where I was going to hide. I took a handful of walnuts from the bowl on the table and made for my spot.

  I walked as quietly as I could for the atrium. Little stone pathways divided the garden beds, and I hid behind the tallest bush residing in the greenhouse. It lived in a corner, and now, I pressed myself into that dark nook and waited.

  Seconds seemed as long as minutes, and each minute eking by, felt like a year. The golden light from the candles didn't quite make it all the way to me, but that's okay. While I waited, I tried to get comfortable. The vaguely lemon scent of the bush's foliage tickled my nose. Tiny oval leaves brushed against my skin, eliciting a body-wide tingle of anticipation. What kind of Viking would be he? The Fabio-esque Catherine Coulter special? Or the rapacious kind? Byzantine guard? Slaver? So many roles he could play. So many roles to explore.

  Then like a gunshot, the timer went off, filling the house with an irritating buzzzzzz. I could hear Tyb's bedroom door open and his hurried footsteps slap-slapping across the floor. Then the buzzer silenced. My heart beat fast, adrenaline pumped through my body as I eagerly awaited Tyb's move.

  His feet gave a vague idea of where he was at any given time. But Tyb the Viking didn't seem to hell-bent on conquest quite yet. He seemed more interested in getting a glass of water.

  Finally, he left the kitchen and sounded like he meandered to the couch. Then finally, the role of pillaging Viking seemed to take hold. He let out a guttural growl which sent tingles flying across my skin. I never did role play like this, and it excited me to no end.

  His pace changed. Now his footfalls were heavy with intent. He paced around the living space, and I could hear things being moved, like the couch and kitchen chairs. Then his footsteps came my way. I smiled, and readied a walnut. As soon as Tyb crossed over into the atrium, I gently chucked a walnut low to the ground, into the living room. It rolled with a clatter and the Viking turned around and pounced. I stifled a giggle.

  I aimed another walnut for a dark corner and threw. I could see Tyb through the foliage hiding me when he made his way for that corner with even more intent. Was just about to lob another one when by candlelight, I saw him pick up a walnut. Oops. Found out already. He stood tall and looked around. I assumed he was looking for a line of sight. He turned until he looked my way. I licked my lips and smiled. I knew he couldn't see me in the dark. I also knew I have two more walnuts. With darkness as my ally, I tossed one into the garden bed opposite of me, on the left-hand side of the atrium. Tyb quickened his step and made a bee-line for the atrium. Oh, the look on his face excited me, and that liquid excitement centered itself in my pussy. Candlelight works magic upon people, and his face was half-silhouetted against the black. Tyb's forehead, thick lashes and the angle of his cheek, flowing into that square jaw, all highlighted by golden light.

  Then I noticed he was completely nude and already erect.

  I threw the last walnut as hard as I could into the corner furthest from me. With his back turned, I darted from my spot to find somewhere to hide anew.

  Tyb heard me burst through the greenery and lunged for me. With a squeal of delight, I evaded his grasp and ran for the living room. The couch now blocked my bedroom and the bathroom door. I jumped over the back and made for the bathroom, so happy it was an inward-swinging door. I locked it. Barely a breath later and then pounding at the portal.

  "Go away, heathen! You shall not take my gold or burn my church!" Oh, I was getting into the spirit of this.

  "If you open the city gates, I will not steal your gold nor torch your sacred places. I want one thing and one thing only!"

  "What is this one thing, and if you get it, will you go away and leave the city in peace?"

  "I demand one comely wench for the night. If she can appease my appetite, then I will let your people live in peace. I vow this, and may Thor strike me now and repeatedly if I lie."

  "The Elders will discuss your terms. The Elders accept your terms."

  "Then send out the wench!"

  I opened the door and put my hands behind my back. I looked down at the ground. "The Elders have sent me to be the Viking sacrifice."

  Tyb grabbed the back of the couch and pushed hard, moving it from the door and allowing him entry. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and heaved me over his shoulder, his hand caressing my ass. Then he put me on the ground.

  "Are you afeared of me, wench?"

  "Yes. You are a rapacious Viking!"

  His hand touched my face. "Look at me."

  I raised my eyes to his burning gaze.

  "I see your Elders chose well. They must love their gold." He grabbed my shirt by the collar and tore it. Cool air hit my skin and it prickled with eagerness. Tyb's rough hand smoothed its way from my waist to my breast, weighing it in his hand. "If you please me well, I may let you live, wench."

  I chose that moment to move from his hold and run for the kitchen. He caught me made two steps for freedom. With an arm around my waist and another pinioning my hands together, I struggled and tried to be dead weight to him. Didn't work. He was too strong.

  His hand moved from my waist and back to my breast, plucking the nipple before rolling it between his forefinger and thumb. Then he picked me up and walked over to the couch, only to toss me on it. "Touch me," he ordered.

  "No! I can't! Oh, you big, bad, Viking man!" It was hard to not smile during this game. "Oh, let me go and pillage elsewhere!"

  With my hands still trapped in his grasp, he held them above my head and kissed me fiercely. His tongue glided along my lips and then thrust into my mouth. I kissed him back with more intensity. Tyb's mouth moved from my lips to my neck and then down until he captured my pert nipple and suckled hard. I writhed on the couch under his assault. His hand slacked enough for him to release one of my mitts, and then he guided me to his cock. I needed no prompting and caressed the length of him, silently delighting in the bead of excitement from his cock's tip that made my handling of him slick.

  Tyb let go of my ot
her hand long enough to rip the panties right off me, then captured it again. He moved from kneeling next to the couch to pinning both hands above my head again and sliding into my heat. Slowly, slowly, he pushed forth until he could sink no deeper.

  With my hands held hostage, I writhed and wiggled, trying to dislodge him from my pussy. Didn't work. He tightened his grasp and began fucking me in earnest. I wrapped my legs around his waist and crossed my ankles to lock him in.

  Tyb whispered, "You okay?"

  "Oh God yes! Fuck me Tyb!" I arched my back with hopes he's pay pointed attention to my breasts again. Instead, he plundered my lips. I moaned into the cavern of his mouth, and Tyb rewarded me with breaking off the kiss and letting go of my hands to caress my body.

  He moved his grasp to my hips and said, "Watch Izzy. I want you to watch."

  I opened my eyes and looked down to see Tyb's rock hard cock slide out of me. He grasped the shaft with his hands and rubbed the tip on my aching clit. I bucked my hips, willing him to fuck me some more. With a haze of lust, I focused on the veiny length of his cock stretching me wide.

  Couldn't hold back any longer. I thrashed beneath him, murmuring his name as a Holy litany against the dark oppression of unfulfillment.

  Tyb gave in to my passionate plea for completion. I could feel him pulsate inside me, and I loved the sensation.

  "I like this game."

  He lay atop me, spent. "I like this game too." Tyb looked in my eyes before asking, "You okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

  "I'm fine. And in round two, I'm going to be the Valkyrie and you will be the blacksmith. I'm gonna want some pointed attention with your sword."

  "Don't let me like you too much, Izzy."

  "Too late." He didn't reply, but I could tell by his reaction that I spoke the truth. I didn't bother to tell him that I liked him way too much, already. So instead, I settled for kissing him stupid and having my way with his eager body.

  Dinner got burnt.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was two months before we heard from Mara again. In that span of time, twice Tyb had gone down the mountain for a day, leaving me in charge. Also, I discovered many things about my new life. For example, cheese isn't as easy as it sounds to make and scalding the milk gives the cheese an off-flavor. Oh! And did you know rabbits can conceive anytime they mate? As in the act of sex causes a doe rabbit to ovulate. Imagine getting pregnant every time you got laid. I felt worse for those animals than when I first found out Tyb ate them.